Post Excavation Analysis & Recording
Following fieldwork as part of either pre-determination site investigation, or mitigation sampling and recording work, Post Excavation Analysis & Recording is the process of cataloguing, assessing, and establishing the heritage value of the results from fieldwork so that an appropriate and proportionate level of analysis and reporting is completed which would fulfil the aims of the project and enable full discharge of the planning condition. The process can be complex and take a long period of time if the fieldwork had been intensive, with high quality and large quantities of material recovered. For small assemblages and simple sites, it should be a relatively quick and simple task.
Staff at HHD&C have long experience of such work having managed and personally implemented many variable sized programmes of post-excavation assessment and analysis leading to reporting, publication and public dissemination of the results, as well as archive deposition. We can illustrate the important artefacts, and prepare user-friendly plans and drawings, phase the site and interpret the evidence. On occasions we have had to take over projects that were undertaken in the field by others, and using their records complete the full programme of work to ensure the results of the project meet the required outcomes. We can also review and quality check draft reports from others, to identify potential errors and missing elements, and, as necessary, to apply some academic rigour.