Landowners and estate managers act as stewards of the historic landscape. Their plans for producing a viable economic return from the estate often need to balance maximising revenue against natural capital, and the benefits of environmental conservation. Farming regimes, woodland management, game conservancy and public access for recreational use may all form part of a holistic estate management plan, which draws on different potential sources of funding to support the commercial viability of the estate.
An essential early stage in such planning is to know what assets the land holds, including those of archaeological and historic character. Once mapped and their heritage significance explained, the management plan can use an informed conservation approach for avoiding harm to these assets, and also seize potential opportunities they may present through agri-environment grants, enhancing local community relations, or public access and presentation.
HHD&C has experience in completing large and small-scale estate surveys, to identify assets and inform land managers in the relative merits or statutory constraints of the historic elements in their landscape. We can advise on potential management options and revenue sources for appropriate conservation as part of the wider estate management plan.